Thursday, October 11, 2012

Park It Pledge - Week 22

On May 19th I decided to park my car and take alternative (now normal) modes of transportation for 6 straight months.  Here we are, 22 weeks later, and I wanted to assess the situation... mathematically.
I whipped up this chart on a Google spreadsheet, but here's a breakdown of some of the figures that went into the calculations

Before CarShare, my average monthly car expenditures were as follows

Car Payments $189.5
Car Insurance $75.12
Monthly Gas $50
Maintenance $50
Total Cost $364.62

Now compare that to ALL the travel expenses I've incurred as a Car Share Member
In June I went over my driving allotment so I paid $3.55
In July I took a greyhound bus to NH which cost $18.09
In August I took a greyhound bus to White River $20.34
In September, after months of car pooling, I paid for gas for my brother, costing $48.55
That came to a total average monthly SAVINGS of $350! or over $2000 total so far.

To be fair, I wanted to consider what I WOULD have paid on my CarShare membership and mileage if not for the ParkItPledge discount so I could compare the two options side by side.
The monthly Share-A-Lot membership is $15 /month
Combined with (currently free) driving credits $50/month
So I added a regular car share membership cost to the expenses I've been generating while using car share, to get the final, yellow, CarShare (no PIP) amount
It still would save me $289!!!

All in All,
I would highly recommend it.