I, Kyle Mitofsky, pledge to not drive my car for 6 whole months.
Yes, I'm well aware that far greater accomplishments have been acheived by people far more fantastic than I. I'm not even attempting to ween myself off of personal transportation entirely: I'll still drive my Car Share, I'll still bum rides from my brothers, friends, and girlfriend, I'll still carpool and take the Bus, but I won't (to the extent that I'm successful) drive my personal vehicle for six months if for no better reason than just to see if I can.
Week 1 has almost come and passed, and I've already biked about 20 miles: an (admittedly low) person best. I've taken the bus 5 times. And I tagged along with a friend to go grocery shopping which is my biggest weaknesses / hesitations about a life without cars. I borrowed my GF's car (I think that's close to cheating, but I'll allow it) to go to a doctor's appointment that I needed to get to immediately after work, but I plan on taking my Car Share to my follow up next week. I've already booked the time slot for the Church Street Market Place Parking Garage Car.
Double Coupons: I'm also participating in the national bike to work challenge. Every day I bike to work I get to keep my car locked up while getting points per mile for a chance to earn prizes. How much do I love prizes? Too much probably, but it's nice to be motivated to do something I wanted to do anyway.